KDE's 25th Anniversary
Celebrate with us 25 years of awesomeness
KDE is 25 years old! Come celebrate with us, attend our talks, join our offline meetups, check out the history of the project — and play with some of historic landmark desktops and software, and get some really cool merch!
Join our fireside talks and meet other KDE friends and enthusiasts.
NOTE: Links to the actual talks will appear here shortly before each chat starts.
Fireside Chats
October 14, at 17:00 UTC: KDE e.V. Board
Aleix, Lydia, Eike, Adriaan and Neofytos are the KDE volunteers that run KDE e.V., the foundation that supports the KDE Community in all organizational, financial and legal matters. In this fireside chat we sit down with all five of them to talk about KDE's history, achievements and where they think KDE is headed. We will also dive into what it means to support the KDE Community for almost 25 years.

October 15, at 18:00 UTC: Jeri Ellsworth
Jeri Ellsworth, self-taught electronics engineer, race driver, and maker and inventor supreme, will give us a glimpse into her latest project: Tilt 5, an augmented reality system for collaborative tabletop gaming. Yes, it is awesome as it sounds.

October 23, at 15:00 UTC: Massimo Stella
Massimo Stella of Kdenlive will talk about how KDE's video editor came to be, where it is now and what we can look forward to in the future of open source film-making.

October 25, at 17:00 UTC: Matthias Ettrich
25 years ago Matthias Ettrich sent a now famous email to the de.comp.os.linux.misc news group. In that message, Matthias asked developers to join him in building a Kool Desktop Environment (and a set of apps to match), all geared towards end users. We will chat with Matthias about how KDE started, dig into the details and fascinating anecdotes that shaped the project and our community in its early days, and discover his perspective on what has become of his vision since then.

Let's celebrate KDE's 25th Anniversary together! Join the meetups and get together with fellow Community members, make friends, and explore similar interests. Events are happening, both online and in-person! You can join the in-person events in Berlin, Malaga, Barcelona, Nurnberg, or Valencia or host your own event in your city and meet for coffee or drinks.
Reddit AMA
Nate Graham (developer and author of This Week in KDE), Aleix Pol (President of KDE), and Lydia Pintscher (Vice President) will be answering all your questions on Reddit live on Sunday, October 17th at 16:00 UTC. Don't miss it!
But you can still visit KDE's subreddit and receive up to date news, interact with KDE contributors, and participate in lively discussions!
Support KDE!
Like many Free Software projects, at KDE we rely on volunteers and donations to carry out our work. Volunteers develop, contribute media, translate, promote, and help implement KDE software. Donations help us with all the operational costs of running a non-profit with thousands of members.
You can find out how volunteers work together and monetary resources are allocated by taking a look at our yearly reports.
You can contribute too! Here are some ways you can help us:
You can make a donation of the quantity of your choice or become a KDE Supporting Member and donate a yearly amount to KDE. Every bit helps!
Over the years more than
7000 Kontributors joined
Becoming a KDE volunteer keeps the Community and our software alive. To celebrate KDE's 25th anniversary, we have compiled a list of 25 things you can do for KDE and Nate Graham has turned the list into an entertaining and informative article with tons of links to resources.
Are you a manager in a company that finds our work useful? Let's develop better code together! Many companies encourage their developers to contribute to KDE's software. You can too.
You can also sponsor our activities or, better yet, become a KDE patron!
In time to celebrate KDE's birthday, Plasma renews its looks performance and speed. You get a new wallpaper, an updated theme, extra speed, increased reliability and new features.
Find out about all the details that make the new Plasma so deserving of this 25th Anniversary on the release's announcement page.